As chains struggle to get there foot in the door of competition, the Chicago area is no exception, as Gordmans may not have closed all its Chicago-land locations, according to an article from Crain's Chicago Business, Gordmans plans to exit the suburbs after entering the market years ago, nothing about other Illinois stores, like in Bloomington, Peoria, or Champaign, those are probably thriving in sales, but these stores don't seem to be. Although the other stores in the article mentioned have been contacted by me and claim they are not closing, of the stores stated to leave, the Algonquin, Illinois store is now closing. Here is an article from the Chicago Tribune stating the store is not leaving Vernon Hills, but we will so find out if that is true or not, Gordmans may not have left yet, but the likely hood of them doing so is very high.
Here is the store the first week of September, still pretty full, I was not aware of this news until driving past the store, and researching to find out the companies plans for the windy city's share of the market.
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